Sunday, March 27, 2022

Winning the Battle with Straw Wrappers #SOL22

Several times a week I purchase a drink at a drive-through restaurant. Lately, I have been fighting with straw wrappers. 

Our McDonald's has been using plastic wrappers instead of paper ones. I fight to tear and tear and rip and rip just to get to the straw. But it doesn't work.

I try hitting them against the console or my lap in hopes that the straw will poke through the top. But it doesn't work.

I usually end up using my teeth to tear the wrapper, which is not too smart because many times I get a piece of plastic left in my mouth, or I am driving while trying to just unwrap my darn straw. I have been losing the battle with the wrappers and have become so frustrated...

until today.

It was today that I realized about an inch and half down the straw, there is a tiny little slit -- a tiny start used to take off the top of the wrapper. Just. Like. That!

BINGO! I have conquered the wrapper!


Join Two Writing Teachers and other teacher-writers as we 
share a slice of life during the month of March. #SOL22


  1. Great job! I never noticed that tiny start to tear a straw open. I have trouble opening lots of different wrappers, probably because I hadn't noticed those helpful beginnings.

  2. Those plastic wrappers are a pain. Glad you found a solution.

  3. It's the little things, isn't it? Here's to smooth sipping from now on!
